Innovative Technologies
At BAC Aerospace, we work on your behalf to negotiate the details of the necessary Special Conditions and the associated means and methods of compliance to develop compliant yet achievable and realistic solutions to enable certification of your aircraft, helicopter, or an eVTOL design.

As a Canadian-government aerospace propulsion engineering expert for National Aircraft Certification with a secret clearance, Chris was highly involved with new & novel technologies and their practical implementation in aircraft, rotorcraft, and engine designs undergoing airworthiness certification.
Some of these new technologies, such as electric propulsion and additive manufacturing (e.g. 3D printing), are well-publicized on a conceptual level and have captured the public’s attention. Others remain highly competitive trade secrets, even if already incorporated into already certified and flying designs.
This experience can be invaluable to clients seeking to develop and certify products involving such new & novel technologies.
Many of these novel ideas were related to innovative vehicle-level propulsion concepts. Others focused on new design features, materials, or even novel analysis or testing methodologies. For obvious reasons, the detailed technical aspects of a particular design remain highly proprietary and cannot be divulged. However, the required certification methodologies, approaches, and associated technical requirements are not subject to non-disclosure clauses, as their dissemination is in the interest of public safety. At BAC Aerospace, we can work with you, the client, and the regulator to negotiate the details of the Special Conditions and/or means and methods of compliance to develop compliant yet realistic solutions to enable certification of your aircraft, helicopter, or an eVTOL design. Call us now to see how we can help you.
For more information on our Canadian Greener Aircraft Certification Initiative (CGACI) please visit the dedicated web page.