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We’re recognized experts, holding the delegation of authority from Transport Canada Civil Aviation and authorization from the Professional Engineers of Ontario, allowing us to offer professional engineering services to the public.
Delegation of Authority: Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA)
Our Transport Canada Design Approval Representative (DAR), Chris Baczynski, has a broad and comprehensive delegation of authority, with a focus on the following engineering discipline specializations:
Propulsion System installations on all fixed-wing (both propeller-driven and jets) and rotary-wing flight vehicles, including icing & fire protection
Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) installations & rotorcraft drive systems
Aircraft Engine type design and modifications
Environmental regulations of AWM 516, including Noise / Acoustics
This delegation of authority is applicable to:
Part 23: Normal, Utility, Aerobatic and Commuter Category Aeroplanes*
Part 25: Transport Category Aeroplanes
Part 27: Normal Category Rotorcraft
Part 29: Transport Category Rotorcraft
Part 33: Aircraft Engines
Part 34: Aircraft Engine Emissions (in Canada AWM 516 Subchapter B)
Part 36: Aircraft Noise (in Canada AWM 516 Subchapter A)
* all certification and performance levels in the Normal category at Amdt 64 / Change 523-18

Certificate of Authorization: Professional Engineers Ontario
BAC Aerospace Inc holds the PEO Certificate of Authorization, required to provide professional engineering services to the public. The Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) is the licensing and regulating body for the engineering profession in the province.
At individual level, Chris is a licensed professional engineer (P.Eng.).

Authorized by the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario to offer professional engineering services

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